GriefShare Support Group

You’re invited to our GriefShare support group, which is open to anyone who has experienced the death of a family member or friend. No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you're feeling. 

GriefShare will run on Saturdays beginning May 4 and running through June 22, 2024. There will be no sessions on May 18th.

Saturday mini-retreats will consist of a morning and afternoon session with break for lunch. Participants will have access to a fridge and microwave.

Light refreshments will be served.

Participants are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early (9:45 am) to allow time for registration and fellowship. We will start promptly at 10 am.

Participants workbook is required and will be distributed at the start of the session.

Participants are not required to attend every session. However, we recommend attending at least three days to get the most benefit from the program.

What to expect

Each GriefShare session includes videos featuring respected grief experts and real-life stories, followed by small group discussion about the topics presented. 

Each person receives a participant guide with valuable exercises, journaling, tools, and articles for dealing with the daily challenges of grief. 

You'll learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and how to cope with the emotions that come when grieving a death. You will learn valuable information on facing life situations, and you’ll gain renewed hope for the future. 

The $25 registration fee includes materials. (Scholarships available)